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Sunday, March 3, 2019

The World Deceived By the Big Bang Lie- EMF Conspiracy- Big Bang Did Not Disprove the Bible

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   Big Bang was a world wide deception. It was never true. The Electromagnetic Field Theory - abbreviated EMF, was the work that needed to be completed and validated to be used to prove that Big Bang was correct. The EMF work and proof in math could be used to say whether or not Big Bang was correct. The EMF was also required to be completed with math proof before submissions of the theory (theories) of the origin of magnetism were accepted by the government. Any theory concerning the origin of magnetism would be checked with the EMF before considerations were made with respect to the validity of the theory.
    That was before 1973 when the EMF was submitted to the NSA for examination and considerations were made to decide whether or not to send the EMF into validation, with math proof.
Math proof of the work proved it was correct. Math proof of EMF was completed at Harvard University in I believe 1977. The project started in 1975. I received the confirmation letter from the NSA in 1975. 
    I knew that EMF did not prove Big Bang was correct. I knew before the EMF work was submitted that Big Bang was incorrect. Big Bang theory would also not stand up to the work in origin of magnetism. Both works and math proofs invalidated Big Bang theory. It was readily assumable by comparing the validating principal of straight line particle acceleration in EMF with  X=Y factor that Big Bang did not produce the foundation of EMF. But what did the government do with the work? 
    The NSA sent the EMF work into validation at Harvard under Stephen Hawking, supposedly, and after the project was completed the EMF was to be returned with math proof, but I never received it. 
    Hawking then took the work which was kept in a classified status to London. He later made the claim that EMF validated Big Bang, which was (as I knew) not true.  
    It was at this time that I knew something was wrong. The scientists and governments were saying that Big Bang was validated by EMF, and therefor saying that Big Bang theory was correct.
   Thus began one of the biggest deceptions in history. The Big Bang lie.
    Hawking was a famous atheist. He did not believe in God. Apparently he wanted to use the actual EMF to validate his belief that the universe began with a Big Bang and was willing to lie about it to try and prove his point. I think he wanted to make the statement about Big Bang to invalidate the belief that Christians had in the Bible with respect to God creating the universe and world. Other scientists joined the ranks of the believers in Big Bang. Big Bang was taught all over the world. But I knew it was wrong.
    Attempting to recover my work in EMF and have the right to make the statement that the EMF did not validate Big Bang, I was shut out. I never received the work back and was not allowed to make an official statement about my findings and work in the EMF that proved EMF to be correct and that in turn proved that Big Bang was incorrect.
    Through all those years the Big Bang lie continued. I was never given credit for the validation of the EMF. The whole world was deceived. Big Bang was never true with respect to the foundation work in EMF and was also not true with respect to the foundation work the Origin Of Magnetism.
    Finally, after decades of the Big Bang deception, scientists began to move away from the Big Bang theory. Even though evolutionist still try to make a case for Big Bang validating evolutionary sciences. 
    To say the whole world was deceived is true. The theory of Big Bang was used to discredit the Bible scriptures that stated that God created the world and the heavens, the stars, and Heaven. 
    As it says in Revelation- The devil goes out to deceive the world - the four quarters of the world (meaning all of the world) and to gather his armies;;;;;
     Is it not true that the whole world was deceived? Did they not try to disprove the Bible by stating that Big Bang was the beginning?
    They did try and say that the Bible is not based on truth. But said their lies were truth. Lies truth- truth lies. 
     Could straight line particle acceleration in X=Y factor be caused from light energy entering a void? 
   Yes. Was light from God a part of the process of creation in the beginning? I would say that it was.
  Light shining into darkness. As it says in Genesis. 
See "Big Light Theory" T Shirt
On Side post. 

1 comment:

  1. I see a lot of repitition of the words "EMF Theory" without detailing how this relates to the Big Bang or what about Electromagnetic Fields this theory talks about. Currently this article is a lot of talk with no science.
