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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Innocent Man Case _ Netflix- About Coersed Confessions- "The Confession Pill" Opinion by NewC Articles

  This is my determination on the confessions in Ada Oklahoma during the investigations into the Carter case. See Netflix or Book written by :John Grisham in 2009John Grisham (pic from Wikipedia-)


   A drug that is secretly given to a person that results in the person being compliant with instruction. After falling asleep and upon waking the person does not remember what they have done under the drug, or what they said in questioning.
   A person can be told to do things and they will comply with the instructions. A person can be told what to say and they will say it. People can be abused under the effects of the drug. People could be exploited under the control of the drug. 
    This is a real drug used in intelligence operations. The drug was leaked out back in the 1980's - as far as I know. 
   If the drug was used before then I don't have proof of it but I would say it was used in some form earlier than 1980. 
     I believe the drug was used to coerce confessions from suspects in the (trial and sentencing of Tommy Ward and Karl Fontenot in the abduction, rape, and purported murder of Denice Haraway.) A case also from Ada Oklahoma involving the same prosecutors.   Tommy Ward is still in prison in Oklahoma. Fontenot has been released. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Annual Pitch Why I Think Sandusky Is innocent

  Jerry Sandusky is serving his sentence in a medium security prison. He was transferred from maximum security in 2017.
   It is still my belief that Sandusky is innocent. My main reason in believing that he is innocent, was innocent, when he was charged with child molestations is because of the facts that were covered up and the information altered and left out of the investigation and trial.
    Activities that would prove that there was a plan to frame him were covered up. The report on the fake video tape with a man that looked like him being video taped in a shower room at Penn State campus in 1998, was covered. The report was in an office in the Student Athlete Services Building, lower level. No report on the incident concerning the filming of the man acting as if he was molesting a child was ever talked about or brought forward. I witnessed the filming of the act. The fact that George Steinbrenner was involved in making the fake tape may have been one reason the report was erased or covered up.
    Officers who worked under Louis Freeh were caught breaking into the office where the report was kept, inside the Student Athlete Services Building on the lower level. The shower room where the incident took place, a week or so before, was down the hall going towards the front of the building. The agents in the office were FBI agents. No report about the agents in the office was made even though the police were called. Another report was said to have been made on a similar incident at the same exact time. That was the false report on Calhoun seeing a man, that he said was Sandusky, in the Smeal building. The police did not go to either building to check for intruders that night. The information on the FBI agents being in the office inside the Student Athlete Services Building was never recorded by security or police. Another report covered.
    Calhoun was also the custodian who had the keys to the office that night. The same night he reported seeing Sandusky in the Smeal Building.
     One of the men that was involved in making the tape in the shower room , the one that looked like Sandusky, had told people he was Jerry Sandusky. He had assaulted people on campus and in town while calling himself Sandusky. He was arrested in a night club where people went to dance in town. He claimed he was Sandusky at the time of his arrest. Nothing was said about that incident in the investigation or trial.
     Framing someone by using a double, look alike, is what they were doing. But no one investigated who it was or if anyone had information on a man claiming to be Sandusky that may have molested children. I think there was such a man and it was covered up. I believe that it is possible that some children were tricked into thinking the man was Sandusky.
    There is also the case of the video that was made that never showed up. And if pictures were shown or circulated that were also fabricated to make people think it was Sandusky in the video or pictures.

     There are more reasons that I believe Sandusky was falsely accused and convicted on false testimony or mistaken testimony but also fabricated and tainted evidence. Loiuis Freeh definitely had something to cover up if that was his agents who broke into the office that night in the Student Athlete Services Building. And if he took part in framing Sandusky with Steinbrenner and company. If he did, he wouldn't be acceptable as the lead investigator in the case against Penn State and Jerry Sandusky. His findings should be disqualified and a new investigation and if necessary, new trial should be in order.
     I still believe Jerry Sandusky is innocent.

   Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Vector Research- Those Who Are Judged For Destroying The World

   Vector Research Sciences. Caused the problem in the environment that will result in the end of life on this planet, not Global Warming. Not Climate Change. Vector Research cased the chain reactions that if left unchecked will eventually cause Stellar Reaction to destroy this planet. The government of the USA did not know of or produce the work that resulted in the effect. 
    The slow but continual chain reaction caused the effect known as biological china syndrome. And molecular break down of elements that actually cause the biological china syndrome effect.
    This process will eventually result in Stellar Reaction. The effects in the world that are blamed on global warming  are known by some government agencies. The global warming hoax is used to cover up the truth because of their involvement in producing the catastphy from the effects of Vector Research. Vector Research is a science that was invented with Universal math after the validation of Unified Field. In math terms a discovery of the foundation common denominators in the building blocks of all things in the universe. Those common denominators are called Vector Patterns. 
    Whoever understands and controls Vector Patterns has a use of the applications in lab setting, making the science the most powerful tool man has ever developed. World domination follows. 
     Because of the dangers of the use of Vector Patterns, (Vector Sciences) - not Vector Math- the science had to be controlled by the government. In the case of the actual department in the government that would have controlled Vector Sciences, that department would have been the NSA. 
     The NSA never saw the work. The people in the US government that knew about Universal Math wanted control of the work. They tried to control all aspects of the development of Universal Mathematics. But never produced a working Universal Math. And never produced the Science referred to as Vector Research. Their scientists never produced Vector Sciences. Never discovered Vector Patterns. Neve proved Unified Field. Never discovered the origin of magnetism. Never validated EMF. Never developed any work close to Universal mathematics.
     This caused a problem in the necessity to shut down the effect of the corrosive effects from changing the values in the Vector Patterns that had to be corrected before major damage across the Universe happened and including the molecular changes on the planet including Biological China Syndrome  turning into Stellar Reaction if not checked. 
    The government set up systems to acquire works from scientists through the CIA and classification offices. Works were taken and classified and then applied to private industry for profits. This system went unchecked as long as leaders produced profits and kept control of the departments that had authority to control works that were classified. This trick turned into a taking of works for control by exploiters out to make profits from the advantages of works taken under classification by agencies such as the CIA.
     The EMF was also a work that was taken and controlled for the use of validating the Big Bang theory that was not true. Or saying that EMF proved Big Bang was true when in fact the EMF work proved Big Bang was not true.
    Climate change and what was called Global Warming was actually an after effect of Vector Research. 
     The government and CIA refused to cooperate in any way when it came to the necessity to contain the reaction from Vector Research.
     Even though the chain reaction effect was safe in the beginning and stopped any control of the sciences by enemies it had to be stopped before it became a problem and effected the environment. 
    The NSA- CIA- US government refused to acknowledge this fact. Their primary concern was control of what they knew to be valuable to the internal organization of power and control. No outside interference to their attempt to control works that would result in their dominating military and financial concerns, would be tolerated. 
      Time passed. Their objectivity was to control the works. They didn't. The works needed to be accomplished in order to have a chance to stop the effect of the original application of values that changed the Vector Patterns. But the works were actually never accomplished by their scientists. Any other accomplished works may result in their loss of control and were not tolerated. As time passed, their insistence on controlling and covering up what they were doing in order to control the works  created the situation of danger that we see today in the effects of Vector Research changing the world. 
      If they couldn't control the works in secret, no one else would do anything if they could stop them. No one would uncover their plot. 
    I was the person who they knew developed Universal Math- Color Codes- Validated EMF. I was sabotaged by them and all of my works were taken over by them. I needed some of my works that were taken by them to be returned so I could have a chance to stop the china syndrome and molecular breakdown before it was too late. They stopped me.
     They only wanted to cover what they did. They only wanted to control. Not secure. 
      The objective of their organization was to profit and control for power. The security of our nation meant nothing to them. 
       Doing works that need to be done isn't going to happen until they give up their control on the works. Their action make the statement that they will see the end of the world for everybody before they give up control of the works. Before they allow anybody else to produce the works that are necessary to stop the stellar reaction. Or, they would rather the world end than give up control of fake and bogus works that they propagated from the beginning and kept secret.  
        They never showed me that they actually had my work that was supposed to be classified. They only said that there was a submission to the military and the CIA took the work over by classifying it. I've never seen the actual work since. 
     There is no indication that the US government or CIA- NSA or allies have the works necessary to stop the china syndrome effect. 
     They refuse to acknowledge any understanding of the dangers. They continual use global warming as an excuse and climate change to account for after effects of the damage caused by Vector Pattern manipulations. 
      Their attitude is that if they don't control it, (it) doesn't exist. Nothing matters unless it serves their benefit. 
     It is obvious that they can't stop the effects that will result in stellar reaction. 
      They will ne judged for destroying the world by God. It's in the Bible.
      Revelation 11:18 18The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small- and for destroying those who destroy the earth."

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Article by Don Robbins- NewC T Shirts/Arts/Pop Sockets- Blog- Links Peach Cobler Cookie Recipe

Peach cookie  Cobbler recipe:

  First of all I would like to say that The Queen (Elizabeth Windsor) I think that's her name, and the picture of her and Mrs. Windsor looks cute. 

    Now, I wanted to say that the peach cobbler I made for Thanksgiving was so good I ate it all by myself. In two days. I used cookie dough for the crust. The recipe is in the link above. It would have been perfect with a scoop of vanilla ice cream but I'm watching my sugar intake.

    The shirt I designed for my site at Merch by Amazon with the Tooth character wearing the Santa helper hat is the most popular shirt I have. Tooth Helper  I think it looks cool. Children might get a laugh looking at it at the Dentists office. Or give as a gift for people who are studying at school or college. The NewC T Shirts words link above the description (Title) on the Amazon page takes you to the T Shirts by NewC T Shirts. I still have some Halloween shirts up. But there are a few things for Christmas. The Abstract Winter Scene is the most popular Pop Socket. There are some on the same page along with the T shirts. 

   President Bush passed away today. 

   Oklahoma won against Texas, I figured they would. The defense played to win. The safety play when Brown tackled the Texas quarterback in the end zone was one for the history books. I don't think the Texas quarterback saw him coming. It was one of the most amazing defensive plays I think I've ever seen in college football. 
    I think that there is only one solution to the playoff situation. The only right thing to do is let eight teams play. But if there can be only four Oklahoma should get the fourth spot.

     Life is hard sometimes but winning makes it easier. 
     Good night to all you winners out there!