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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

- Growth Inhibitors In Cancer Research- What Happened?

 What was the most effective and fastest way to check for carcinogens in cancer cell research? GROWTH INHIBITORS. 
  When were GROWTH INHIBITORS discovered? In 1994. 
   Where? Princeton New Jersey.
    When did the work disappear into China? 1994.
     How many carcinogens were detected with GROWTH INHIBITORS after 1994? None.
      What research was conducted to determine how Growth Inhibitors are responsible in producing cancer in cells? None.
    Apparently, there were forces that did not want Growth Inhibitors to be used to check certain products and materials for carcinogens. Like our government officials.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Action Rider 4th - T Shirts- Artwork- Buy on blog button -pics PLUS Action Rider! Kindle Book-


   Artwork from Action Rider! was used to design the T Shirt Happy 4th of July! Action Rider!
  Action Rider is in the Super Command Space Bike. Background of stars. Happy 4th of July!


/Khüiten_Peak -Probable location of the boat Noah's Ark- Mongolia Pic- Link-üiten_

  Western Mongolia at the highest point of elevation  Khüiten_ Peak is a probable location of the lost Ark. (Noah's Ark).

                  The common DNA from ancestry most likely came from this area. This area in southern Russia, Western Mongolia is the area that people lived in after the flood waters in the world went down. (There was a lot of fish to eat.)
          Many climbers go to tha area to climb the highest peak in Mongolia. E.evation over 14,000 feet. 
         The permanent snow cap on Khuiten  may reveal  the remnants of the Ark.  

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Action Rider! T Shirts- Happy 4th of July-Shirt pics HD +Mask Face! Political 4th! HD

 Action Rider! T Shirts- Happy 4th of July! Youth sizes- Women/Men sizes. Colors Red White Blue Black Orange. Good looking shirt for the 4th of July! If you like it please share.
Purchases are through Amazon. Amazon delivers.



Saturday, April 20, 2019

Bird Nest With Lights! Video- Pictures.

    The lights were formed into a nest shape. The Robin started setting on top of it then started bringing twigs and grass in. Then she stopped. 
   About two weeks ago she started back up to bringing twigs. Then stopped again, but this time she just kept building the nest. It looks great with the lights! 
    Picture from the top. 

Earlier today I watched the PGA tournament on CBS. It is one of those match games that has everything! 12 foot alligators! Ian Poulter just one shot back. Great aerial views. Ocean views. Mansions. Yachts with parking lots in the water. But what they really need is a sand trap shaped like a birds nest! Great week for golf! 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Reasoning Behind Opioids Prescriptions - Addiction- Preventions

  I believe the prescriptions given by physicians to their patients that in the category of opioids are sometimes necessary and sometimes maybe not so necessary. Prescriptions for pain administered to the patients suffering from discomfort can lead to habitual intake of the meds. As often is the case with the continuing problem with opioids. 
   Myself, having suffered from bouts of pain throughout my life, I know what it is like to come out of surgery and want pain relief. I also understand what it feels like to suffer fractures, and dislocations. I've had both in places that are very difficult to treat for pain. I have also seen bouts of excruciating pain like migraine headaches. I was heavily medicated once for years for pain due to injury. I did not form an addiction. The pain killers were addictive. But when administered right the patient should not fall into dependency. 
   Pain killers, with me, have never been a comfort pill given to me as a patient. But I think that comfort pills are being administered to patients because it is paid for by insurance. There is no history of drug dependency. No arrest records. And social status also plays a role with respect to your location. And financial considerations can also become factors in whether a patient is given comfort meds.
    I know that meds are administered to patients who live in more affluent circumstances, when patients who live in higher crime rate areas were refused pain meds by doctors because of government oversight. 
   Insurance companies pay, doctors prescribe. No signs of past addictions. Doctors may prescribe meds to patients complaining of pain when the patient may be close to the addictive stage or developing an addiction. Many times, I would think that in the case of addictions, the patients are improperly taking the meds and possibly mixing meds with alcohol or other pain medications. Possibly purchasing meds outside of the law. Which could be very bad when it comes to a doctor making a decision on medicating a patient for strong opioids.
    Testing before administering pain meds to check levels of substances in the system of the patient may be warranted as a preventative measure against the continuing problem with addiction. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

More About The Treasure Of Solomon- Hebrew Text- Reformed Egyptian- Translations- Joseph Smith

  The security team that took over the treasure of Solomon (found in northern Africa in 1975) was out of a regional office headquartered at Cairo University. They sent the scientists on staff there to see the discovery of the doors that were later opened, revealing the treasure of Solomon. 


   My partner and I were on a excursion in Algiers when we finished our duties (volunteers) we were allowed to go to a place to look for spots to explore and climb. This small hill is where they took us! It was hilarious! But we climbed (walked up the right side and looked around from that point. That's when I decided to climb down in front where the larger trees were. I climbed onto the tree and as I was making mt way down I saw the doors. I didn't know what they were. I thought they night be something like totem poles. I asked my buddy to come down and look. He saw the doors too.
 University. We talked to a scientist that was the only one interested in coming out to see it. He showed up the next day with another scientist. After seeing the doors they decided to call for workers to excavate the site. The British agents in Cairo Egypt were in charge of the region with respect to excavating sites. 
    The brush and trees were cleared. It was apparent to the scientists that the text on the doors was Hebrew. I knew the same type of text was carved into the benches along with the Egyptian hieroglyphics. There is no doubt about it. It was REFORMED EGYPTIAN text. And huge amounts of evidence covering the large benches. 
    If the book of Abraham was translated with Reformed Egyptian then how did scientists who knew nothing about Reformed Egyptian text decipher the parchment that Joseph Smith said was written in Reformed Egyptian text? It was believed that Reformed Egyptian never existed. I knew it did but it wasn't until 2012 when samples of the language were discovered. 
    Once again Smith was right and the deniers were wrong! 

   As I witnessed the miracle of the discovery of the treasure of Solomon you can bet that the agents from Cairo and the governments wanted to keep me silent about what was found. It is true that the treasure and the contents worth billions of dollars was never reported as found by British intelligence or our government.  The evidence that proved Solomon existed, and that Reformed Egyptian was a real language has been covered up all this time.
    Please help by demanding that the evidence of the treasure be made public! The world deserves to know the truth! Please share this. Thank you!
    Donate to the blog cause on side post if you want to help.  

Thursday, April 11, 2019

This Planet It Is A Copy Of Planet Earth -Artwork- +What a Star Looks Like From Planet Earth

   This is not planet Earth. You are on a planet that was created in 1970. It is an exact copy of the planet and everything on it from before the days of the beast. The copy of planet Earth was made 1000 years after the days of the beast. If you were born before 1970 there is another you, an exact copy of the other you was made here, you. You are the copy of you. You live on this planet that is a copy of the planet the first you lived on. Life there was much the same as here. On planet Earth a false prophet under the power of Satan came to power. Before the governments took over under the false prophets power the rapture happened. People were taken up to Heaven. Then the Days of the Beast started. It lasted about seven years. After the wars and the persecutions between men (people) left on the planet and the followers and worshipers of the Beast (the false prophet), Christ came from Heaven with Angels and ended the armies of the Beast. We called the beast (fallen Angel, Apollyon, and the False Prophet all together with the armies the Beast. But the false prophet was generally referred to as the Beast. Apollyon was called Apollyon mostly, not Abaddon. But when the followers did their chants until they passed out and then went into seizure like fits they would say both, Apollyon and Abaddon over and over sometimes for hours until they were exhausted. They used drive in theaters a lot for their meetings. The huge screens provided the imagery of the fallen angel that was at first a statue that they worshiped with music and festivities. But later, the statue came to life and became what was called the beast. And the armies of the beast that came up from the ground came and stung men with their tails that did not have the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast was actually a tattoo of a grasshopper looking thing that resembled the angel Apollyon in the form of the giant statue that came to life. Sometimes people would run up to it and cry for it to step on them and crush them to show their love and admiration for him. Like sacrificing themselves to it. The description of the time in the book of Revelation is close to what happened in general.
   A thousand years after the days of the beast, people started coming out of Heaven to live in the world again. Satan was on his way back from his imprisonment. The nations that are referred to are the nations of men that are mentioned in Revelation also. I suppose those nations refer to the nations created on this planet also. Apparently, you can go into hell there and come out here. There seems to be a doorway into hell in the world (planet Earth) and a doorway here too. In the near future there will probably be more things coming from that planet and hell into this world.
    On planet Earth if you look up into the sky at night to see the Big Dipper you notice that the handle is on the right. Here it is on the left. This proves you are not on planet Earth. Although when the time comes for you to go to the new Heaven you will go through the Sanctuary on planet Earth. It is located between Catoosa Oklahoma (Where the Blue Whale is on highway 66) and Tulsa Oklahoma. The Sanctuary of God is by the Camp of the Saints. There is a reason it is called that. In the Latter Days -End Times_ the Camp of the Saints is where Satan returns to with his armies. That is also in Revelation. 
    When your resurrected you will go to that place in a time called Judgement Day. Judgement Day is not just one day, it will probably last for some time. After Judgement Day you will go into the Sanctuary and receive (in the spirit of Jesus) the New Covenant before you go into Heaven. The New Heaven. That's how it works.  


      This represents what stars looked like on planet earth. They apparently fell out of the sky during the days of the beast. The tiny pinpoint of light you see that are called stars aren't like these stars. They were very large and bright and so beautiful! This is what real stars looked like. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

- Reformed Egyptian Text- What Benches In Solomon's Treasure Look Like- Pictures

       I was writing a post article about videos made by a person on YouTube talking about the Book of Abraham and Joseph Smith. In the video, the man who is narrating it, says that the book is a fake and Joseph is also a fake. He says that Joseph Smith was mostly tricking people into believing that he was a prophet. Each video offers what he says is evidence to prove he was a liar and misled people into believing in things that were not true. (Sort of like the Vatican over the last 15 centuries, give or take.) Although it is true that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City was exterminated by the government, the British government, the Vatican, for a reason.  Afterwards, it was set up as a fake church ran in secret by the government. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was the real church. That congregation went on after the Mormons were wiped out by the treasure hunters and the government agents under President Buchanan. The true story has been kept secret.
   What the, government run, secret church leaders said about Joseph Smith after he died doesn't matter. - you can't trust that information from the fake church. False testimony and faking evidence as well as slander and premeditated lies by the government is always a constant when dealing with our government.
    But just to say a little on the subject of the book of Abraham..... 
     I did want to say that the parchment (let me get a picture of it).... 
piece is from the original parchments that Joseph Smith claimed to translate into the Book of Abraham. That is what Smith called it.

This picture represents the style of writings found on the benches inside the cave where the treasure of Solomon was found. 
From Cairo University in Egypt the British intelligence office took control of the artifacts and the treasure. 
I knew the mixed language was real.
Now the question is whether the language had characteristics from both languages that may have been altered from the original pictures or text.?
  Knowing that there was such a language gives Prophet Smith more credibility in what he claimed about translating the parchments. If you care to study the matter. 
The mixed language was written all over the benches. It was plain to see. The work was beautiful. 
The benches were about 24 feet long. That would be my best guess. 

The text and hieroglyphics were carved into the wood.
The wood was apparently solid teak. The benches were carved out of the sold timbers. 

 Text from Hebrew language and Egyptian hieroglyphics covered the benches.

The pictures closely resemble the actual shape and positions of the benches in the cave. 
Knowing what the Egyptian hieroglyphics were and seeing the text from the Hebrew language,
  it was simple to see that there was a difference between the two written languages but they were used
together to form one language.  

I wanted to state that the picture I saw on the bench seat resembled the parchment as it was concerning a funeral or embalming. I always thought the picture looked like the one on the bench but with Hebrew text. Here's a pic of it. 

 The evidence of the mixed language suggests that a language, part Egyptian, part Hebrew text

was formed into one language used after the Exodus. 
The benches were in the cave left undisturbed for thousands of years along with 
the vast treasure thought of as the treasure of Solomon. 
The cave was possibly a burial chamber resembling a tomb like King Tuts in Egypt, where
the leaders were buried with treasure. 
Artifacts mentioned in the bible were also found such as the jeweled harps. 
On the side of the cave wall before the benches was a curtain....
 Between the curtain on the wall was written one word. Apparently in Hebrew.

The text meaning is not known by me. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

One Church In The End- Truth- The Church Is Not Sanctuary-


   Did the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints lie? Or were lies told to usurp the legacy of the works of Joseph Smith after his death? Maybe both? Who knows?
    Here's a link to some Grateful Dead music- hope you enjoy! On YouTube. Sound is good. Ad before the music begins. Now two 15 seconds each. I always thought of it as Greatful Dead but it's really Grateful Dead. Interesting... 
  Spencer Kimbal was the president of the church when I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's easier just to say LDS. 
   I entered the church as a minority. There were other minorities in the church at the time. 
   In the end times, during the last war between God and the armies of Satan, there is only one church. The location of the church will be in the same location as the sanctuary of God. Although the church itself is not the sanctuary of God. 
    Sanctuary is a spiritual defense against the powers of the evil forces that wish to destroy the church and control the heavens.
    A location where the sanctuary is set up is known through Revelation. -The Camp of the Saints. -This location must be in the same location as the Valley of Armageddon. also covered in Revelation. 
    One of the most revealing statements by Joseph Smith about prophesy came with the explanation of the new tablets that would be found in the Latter Days. Which happened. The tablets were found and they were larger than the original tablets. 
   Another prophesy related matter that proved to me the Smith was a real prophet was the statement of the language that was described as part Hebrew and part Egyptian hieroglyphic also turned out to be true. ( It is known, now, that the Hebrew text actually came from the Egyptian written language.) The language that is half and half came from the Exodus. The evidence carved onto great benches resembling church pews was discovered in a cave in 1975 along with the treasure of Solomon. The treasure and contents were confiscated by British intelligence and never seen or heard of again. 
    Is it possible, that the Book of Abraham was actually written in this language and not the language that it was said to be written in? (I think so.)  
    As it would be in the end there is only one truth. Regardless of the affiliation between the person and their church at the time, only one church will remain under the leadership of Christ. That is true. There is no disrespect to any religion or churches because of the truth.  It is in the spirit of Jesus that the covenant is accepted. In the blood of the Lamb it is given. In the blood of the Lamb it is received.
    That being the spirit of Jesus. If other doctrines are placed over that simple truth they are false doctrines. Accepting the truth is all that is required in the end with respect to the objectivity to be accepted into Heaven. Accept it or not. Stand with the truth or not, then, in the end. 
    There is one truth. There is one Christ. Therefor there is one congregation. In the end, the great crowd. Those washed in the blood of the Lamb. Saved. Redeemed. To live in Heaven forever. That's what the Bible says. 
    That means one church. In the end before the final conflict, it is that way. One or the other. The church or Satan. That is truth.           

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Joseph Smith Spiritual Unions With Women- Not Physical- Conclusion


   Joseph Smith is said to have had several wives. It is apparent that there were marriages between Smith and several women, but were the marriages spiritual unions or were they physical relationships that involved sexual activities? It seems that the attempt to gather evidence to try and prove there was sexual unions between Smith and several women, other than his first wife, has failed. The unions of wives with Smith were apparently some type of spiritual marriage having to do with the hereafter. In Heaven. Just exactly what that means, I don't know. Something like praying for the souls of people who lived before. Or baptizing people that are dead. Something like that I would guess. Except to complicate the whole matter - when Brigham Young and others after Smith was dead.....
    You know the story. The question is whether Smith had several wives. The answer is yes but they were spiritual unions not physical. I think that is the truth of the matter. 

        Poster concerns the prophesy of the golden tablets. 

Joseph Smith Prophesy Validated - Tablets- Poster- Details

    The prophesy by Joseph Smith is validated by the discovery of the larger tablet found in 1968.