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Saturday, April 6, 2019

One Church In The End- Truth- The Church Is Not Sanctuary-


   Did the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints lie? Or were lies told to usurp the legacy of the works of Joseph Smith after his death? Maybe both? Who knows?
    Here's a link to some Grateful Dead music- hope you enjoy! On YouTube. Sound is good. Ad before the music begins. Now two 15 seconds each. I always thought of it as Greatful Dead but it's really Grateful Dead. Interesting... 
  Spencer Kimbal was the president of the church when I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's easier just to say LDS. 
   I entered the church as a minority. There were other minorities in the church at the time. 
   In the end times, during the last war between God and the armies of Satan, there is only one church. The location of the church will be in the same location as the sanctuary of God. Although the church itself is not the sanctuary of God. 
    Sanctuary is a spiritual defense against the powers of the evil forces that wish to destroy the church and control the heavens.
    A location where the sanctuary is set up is known through Revelation. -The Camp of the Saints. -This location must be in the same location as the Valley of Armageddon. also covered in Revelation. 
    One of the most revealing statements by Joseph Smith about prophesy came with the explanation of the new tablets that would be found in the Latter Days. Which happened. The tablets were found and they were larger than the original tablets. 
   Another prophesy related matter that proved to me the Smith was a real prophet was the statement of the language that was described as part Hebrew and part Egyptian hieroglyphic also turned out to be true. ( It is known, now, that the Hebrew text actually came from the Egyptian written language.) The language that is half and half came from the Exodus. The evidence carved onto great benches resembling church pews was discovered in a cave in 1975 along with the treasure of Solomon. The treasure and contents were confiscated by British intelligence and never seen or heard of again. 
    Is it possible, that the Book of Abraham was actually written in this language and not the language that it was said to be written in? (I think so.)  
    As it would be in the end there is only one truth. Regardless of the affiliation between the person and their church at the time, only one church will remain under the leadership of Christ. That is true. There is no disrespect to any religion or churches because of the truth.  It is in the spirit of Jesus that the covenant is accepted. In the blood of the Lamb it is given. In the blood of the Lamb it is received.
    That being the spirit of Jesus. If other doctrines are placed over that simple truth they are false doctrines. Accepting the truth is all that is required in the end with respect to the objectivity to be accepted into Heaven. Accept it or not. Stand with the truth or not, then, in the end. 
    There is one truth. There is one Christ. Therefor there is one congregation. In the end, the great crowd. Those washed in the blood of the Lamb. Saved. Redeemed. To live in Heaven forever. That's what the Bible says. 
    That means one church. In the end before the final conflict, it is that way. One or the other. The church or Satan. That is truth.           

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