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Thursday, April 11, 2019

This Planet It Is A Copy Of Planet Earth -Artwork- +What a Star Looks Like From Planet Earth

   This is not planet Earth. You are on a planet that was created in 1970. It is an exact copy of the planet and everything on it from before the days of the beast. The copy of planet Earth was made 1000 years after the days of the beast. If you were born before 1970 there is another you, an exact copy of the other you was made here, you. You are the copy of you. You live on this planet that is a copy of the planet the first you lived on. Life there was much the same as here. On planet Earth a false prophet under the power of Satan came to power. Before the governments took over under the false prophets power the rapture happened. People were taken up to Heaven. Then the Days of the Beast started. It lasted about seven years. After the wars and the persecutions between men (people) left on the planet and the followers and worshipers of the Beast (the false prophet), Christ came from Heaven with Angels and ended the armies of the Beast. We called the beast (fallen Angel, Apollyon, and the False Prophet all together with the armies the Beast. But the false prophet was generally referred to as the Beast. Apollyon was called Apollyon mostly, not Abaddon. But when the followers did their chants until they passed out and then went into seizure like fits they would say both, Apollyon and Abaddon over and over sometimes for hours until they were exhausted. They used drive in theaters a lot for their meetings. The huge screens provided the imagery of the fallen angel that was at first a statue that they worshiped with music and festivities. But later, the statue came to life and became what was called the beast. And the armies of the beast that came up from the ground came and stung men with their tails that did not have the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast was actually a tattoo of a grasshopper looking thing that resembled the angel Apollyon in the form of the giant statue that came to life. Sometimes people would run up to it and cry for it to step on them and crush them to show their love and admiration for him. Like sacrificing themselves to it. The description of the time in the book of Revelation is close to what happened in general.
   A thousand years after the days of the beast, people started coming out of Heaven to live in the world again. Satan was on his way back from his imprisonment. The nations that are referred to are the nations of men that are mentioned in Revelation also. I suppose those nations refer to the nations created on this planet also. Apparently, you can go into hell there and come out here. There seems to be a doorway into hell in the world (planet Earth) and a doorway here too. In the near future there will probably be more things coming from that planet and hell into this world.
    On planet Earth if you look up into the sky at night to see the Big Dipper you notice that the handle is on the right. Here it is on the left. This proves you are not on planet Earth. Although when the time comes for you to go to the new Heaven you will go through the Sanctuary on planet Earth. It is located between Catoosa Oklahoma (Where the Blue Whale is on highway 66) and Tulsa Oklahoma. The Sanctuary of God is by the Camp of the Saints. There is a reason it is called that. In the Latter Days -End Times_ the Camp of the Saints is where Satan returns to with his armies. That is also in Revelation. 
    When your resurrected you will go to that place in a time called Judgement Day. Judgement Day is not just one day, it will probably last for some time. After Judgement Day you will go into the Sanctuary and receive (in the spirit of Jesus) the New Covenant before you go into Heaven. The New Heaven. That's how it works.  


      This represents what stars looked like on planet earth. They apparently fell out of the sky during the days of the beast. The tiny pinpoint of light you see that are called stars aren't like these stars. They were very large and bright and so beautiful! This is what real stars looked like. 

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