And "Twain, they shall become one flesh"
This is what God said in the Bible about the relationship between men and women.
There was man, Adam and Woman Eve. Adam had male DNA and Eve had Female DNA. Their children had both male and female DNA. Is that not true?
How did God know that? How did men who wrote the Bible know what God said? What only God could know?
This is more proof that the Bible is true. God knew that the offspring of Adam and Eve would have both DNA from the two people.
People have male and female DNA. Characteristic traits became the modern man and modern woman, today.
Does this mean that in the beginning of the offspring of Adam and Eve their children were born with both male and female sex organs? I think it was like that.
After so many generations I believe that the perfect balance between the DNA was tipped to one side or the other.
This may have accounted for the decrease in life expectancy.
Would it be possible to reset the DNA balance and achieve greater health and longer life? Can there be a method to restore the balance? Would it work?
If we know, in science today that human beings could not live without both male and female DNA, does that mean that the original Adam was a hermaphrodite?
Adam would have been able to produce offspring. Originally, But didn't.
Eve became able to produce offspring with Adam after they were removed from the garden of Eden.
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