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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Questions I've Asked Myself + Action Rider! pics


Why does the guy who claims to be the president of Venezuela look so much like Sodom Hussein? 

If Democrat Senators want Medicaid for everybody, does that include members of Congress?

Why don't the people who write about the Black Dahlia know that the black dahlia is a dress? A dress that was symbolized as a lesbian dress, or a dress that lesbians wore.

What ever happened to the largest medical corporation in the world that Pelosi's bosses was associated with in the early 1980's?

Why can't socialized medicine work for people who want to pay a separate tax and fee for, when working, in a system much like paid for Medicare? Can't people have a choice without being dictated to by big government? 

Is there a copy of the original ending of the movie Apocalypse Now!

Why did Freddie Mercury come to Tulsa in 1995? 

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