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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Could Ray Gricar Be In Marjorie Diehl's Old Staircase? My Theory On Where Gricar Might Be-

 One thing about the disappearance of Ray Gricar that the authorities never talked about was the fact that he knew Marjorie Diehl and Bill Rothstein. He also knew Brian Wells.
  Another thing about the disappearance of Ray Gricar is that during the Pizza Bomber investigation, the authorities investigating the case never asked Gricar a question about Brian Wells or Marjorie Diehl. 
   The fact remains that  Gricar would have been charged with obstruction and withholding evidence from the investigation, if there was an investigation into the murder of Brian Wells.
   Of course Gricar could have looked into the matter himself, concerning his knowledge of Brian Wells being associated with Marjorie and Bill. Gricar knew Brian Wells was associated with Marjorie Diehl and Bill Rothstein. 
   Did Ray Gricar go to talk to them about lying to the FBI investigators? Marjorie Diehl and Bill Rothstein both said they didn't know Brian Wells, (the Pizza Bomber) but Gricar knew they knew Brian Wells. Gricar also saw the collar, without the bomb attached to it, setting on the coffee table in the living room of the house where he met with them one afternoon in Eerie Pennsylvania.
   Here's a link:

    While I was watching the documentary about Marjorie Diehl called "Evil Genius" there was a part where Bill Rothstein led the police /FBI through Marjorie Diehl's house, up a staircase and into a bedroom where he claimed Marjorie shot and killed James Roden, her boyfriend. 
    During the tour, Rothstein told the police that he replaced the stairs that had blood on them from Roden's body being taken down the staircase out to his van. There was blood in other parts of the house, also. He told the police that he replaced some of the worn staircase steps with new ones because of the blood stains. Here's a picture of the staircase. 

    He stated that James Roden was killed in the house and that blood stains were in places that he had cleaned up for Marjorie. Except.... Here's the creepy part, James Roden didn't die in the house. But it seems that there may have been someone killed in the house. Blood on the mattress. Blood on the floor. Blood on the staircase. 
    Listen to Bill Rothstein talk to the authorities in the video. The part about replacing the steps on the staircase. Freezing the body. Cutting it up. But then changing his mind and taking it to his house. The staircase is in Marjorie's house.
   It seems like maybe Rothstein took a body to his house, James Roden. And there was another body, in Marjorie's freezer. 

    My theory was that he froze a body there and then cut it up and froze it and then hid it inside the staircase.
    Ray Gricar could be that body. That's my theory.
  Here's a link:

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