I don't know for sure but it seems like the post stream on Twitter is so crammed with posts about the impeachment that the stream is getting clogged up!
If the new posts are automatically inserted in the stream, the top post on the stream is there for only two seconds. After it disappears from the top of the stream it is sent down the stream highway to a place where it's going to be hard to find.
As long as the huge amount of posts are still being streamed the stream is going to be unstable. As in going blank and not responding for up to ten seconds. Choppy streaming where posts disappear and the stream goes blank and the the stream comes back with other posts you were not reading, in a location that is unknown. I men it's up or down but you can't tell which way it went. Searching for the post you wanted to see becomes a hunt for the lost post over and over. It's a real drag on your time and patience.
The solution to the traffic congestion problem is to end the impeachment. But fixing the overall problems with the new Twitter is a matter to be considered by Twitter engineers. I suggest going back to the old Twitter.
"Cowboy Hat With Background Print"
-by Don Robbins
-by Don Robbins
Available print is 18x32 inches. Canvas.
Mounted. Comes with mounting bracket.
Original artwork.
Price 47.75-
Shipping 9.95-
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