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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

TV - pay- student- are equal- +program- (Idea To Share Revenue With Student athletes-)

 TV - pay- student- are equal- +program-

   There are times when I would pay to see certain games in college sports. It seems only right that a pay per view programing service could be provided by colleges and universities for local viewers who can't attend games. With broadcasting capabilities today, it would be possible to stream even high school games. 
   I've watched a few football games on streaming services this year. I would  like to have streamed more games. How do you see your favorite teams play if it isn't televised or streamed? Schools could profit from their own streaming services. The players and other athletes could share in the profits, equally. Just to have a little spending money. What's wrong with that? Some new clothes, shoes, equipment. Some take out food. Maybe a pizza on the weekend? Tickets for family to see them play. The list goes on. There's always a use for extra spending money. Some could be put in funds for certain things instead of just cash. If all athletes got the same amount and there is some control over the spending it seems that funds could be distributed fairly. 
    I think a system that treats all athletes fairly with some financial guidance and fair distribution - including program funding, would work. 
  That is my opinion. 

    I wanted to say that Chuba Hubbard should be a finalist of the Heisman trophy.


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