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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Concept; Social Justice Agents- For Fair Play And Justice-

     Social Justice Agents.

     In the environment we live in, both socially and politically, controls of the law and authorities are too many times based on corrupt secret actions that call for cover ups and excuses for the benefit of the politically and socially elite. Citizens are not allowed to know what the authorities are doing when it comes to internal corruption.
    When citizens cry for justice but there is no real answers on the part of the system, there should be   agents with authority to investigate circumstances to make a determination in certain cases on whether or not foul play, or rights violations, or criminal actions are covered up to protect special interests, is involved. Agents with access to records and files that may have been altered or corrupted. With respect to possible favoritism or conspiracy, including cover ups and evidence or witness tampering. Refusing to act in any way to uphold existing laws in favor of special interests would also qualify for special agents right to see into civil cases involving the government departments actions in cases identified in determination with actions of corruption or possibility of corruption. 
    Someone that can get to the truth of a matter in cases that involve possible criminal actions that are smoke screened or covered up without proper investigations. We all know of such cases.

    In cases where the reports are fake, or altered, with false witnesses, false evidence, with no one else or any department to look into matters, like the Brian Wells murder investigation that never happened, who can have access to the files that are written on the case. Who can make a determination  if the case is ignored or evidence is withheld by authorities in the circumstance of political cover up?  Why is information completely left out of the investigation. Why are determinations made that are completely false? But yet nobody else has the right to question the department or agents conducting the investigations. Would,'t it be better for everyone if someone did have the right and authority to review investigations that may have been corrupted?
    I think it would. In the case of Brian Wells I believe there should be a independent inquiry into his death. 
    Citizens can't always depend on a system that's rigged against them when it comes to fair play and justice.  

    If you like this please share and call for action in the pursuit of justice in this country. 

Artwork by Don Robbins. 

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