So your in college and you need some good tasting and nutritious food that will give you energy?! Quick and tasty! Easy to prepare. Inexpensive.
May I suggest Ramen Noodle! My favorite -chicken flavor!
You can get ten packs at Walmart for about three bucks! Splurge and throw in some crackers.
% bucks and your in business. Add some greens like a green onion and there ya go! Ready to get things done! Hey! You can add any type of veggies! Just get a can of mixed veggies, add em in there and throw a dinner party!
Listen. You see the donate button there on the side post? If you like the recipe and advice, come back to visit! I have recipes that I use myself - you might catch one later.
If you like donate something on PayPal for the Blog!
Have a great day! And study hard! Play in the school yard! Don't wander around out there in the unknown. Be careful. Take care. See you later!