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Monday, March 30, 2020

Social Distancing Softball -Diagram (picture) and Revised rules

Rules with picture diagram comes in several formats and styles. Cards available for 4.75. Posters start at 14 dollars. Share post to share rules of the game!
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Artwork by Don Robbins at FineArtAmerica- See all works- Click HERE. Social Distancing Softball and other works.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Two Second Mutation Of Virus In Laboratory In 1994- Is It the Source Of COVID-19?

  As the hunt for point origin continues in the Corona virus ordeal, I had an idea that the theory of the mutation of the original strain, into the COVID-19 variety, from animal to human transmutations, was probably not correct. I have already written about that.

  In 1994 I discovered a virus while I was working on submitting a work, to the government validation process, called GROWTH INHIBITORS.  There is a funny thing about that virus that came up missing with the work and information and all records on GROWTH INHIBITORS.   The change from one virus into a completely different virus, or a very different variation took TWO SECONDS.

  You might want to read this and share it before I continue. I'm saying that I believe there was something that caused the virus to mutate in two seconds while I was watching it. The mutation of the virus and subsequent mutations after the work was taken by the United States Government validation facility and reported as a discovery and later,  was allowed to be studied. Except it apparently came up missing before anyone, including me, was allowed to see it. The work that I had submitted I called Growth Inhibitors also disappeared from the records and any office in the government. 

   Twenty years later, in 2003, a group of scientists came to America from China with American  research scientists partners and claimed the discovery of Growth Inhibitors. An article was written about the work in Readers Digest. 
   One of the key factors in the article was a theory by one of the scientists, that they believed proteins may have been responsible for the transference of the Growth Inhibitors into the cell that was identified as damaged or foreign. . (Like a virus with protein spikes.) 
  Growth inhibitors naturally eliminate the cells that didn't belong but proteins carriers were eliminated as a carrier into the cell, before the work was submitted and validated as a discovery. 

    Were the scientists who were claiming to know how Growth Inhibitors worked, saying that they believed a virus injected the Growth Inhibitor into the cell by a protein spoke? Like COVID-19?
    Did something make the Corona virus mutate - thus creating  COVID-19 virus from a mutation? Instead of Animal to animal to human to animal to animal to human transference from mutating RNA? 
    Did Corona virus mutate from something that caused the mutation in a short period of time, into COVID-19? Or did the changes happen over a ling period of time, like years or decades?
    Did the mutating virus taken from the lab in Princeton in 1994 have the cause of the mutation inside of it? Did the same thing that caused the instant mutation in the lab, while I watched it happen, cause Corona virus to mutate on a massive scale?

    Did the mutating virus contaminate New York and China from the virus taken from the laboratory in Princeton New Jersey in 1994? Did what caused the virus to mutate in Princeton in 1994 spread through China and when the right factors were present, cause the Corona Virus to mutate into COVID-19.

    It's looking more and more like that is what happened. 

    Were the scientists who had Growth Inhibitors looking at a Corona virus protein spike? Check article on Growth Inhibitors from 2003-2004. (Cancer research.) Readers Digest article.

    Did both governments cover up the missing Growth Inhibitors and the Mutating virus? I believe they did.

    Would the fact of a virus mutating into another type of A virus, in two seconds,  with a different appearance and different but somewhat similar characteristics, change theories concerning evolution? Is that one of the reasons it was taken and hidden away?

   And it spread...… And spread...… And spread. Until it mated with Corona virus in the environment and caused the mutation that we know as COVID-19. 

     With the facts to be considered, it seems that is what happened. 
   Records were covered on the mutating virus discovered in 1994 in a laboratory in Princeton New Jersey, while I was submitting Growth Inhibitors (a discovery in Cancer research) to the validation (DNA) facility. Records of Growth Inhibitors and the mutating virus are missing. Growth Inhibitors were capable of checking products for carcinogens in one day. 
    I always believed the works were covered up and records were erased because of the ability of Growth Inhibitors to check for carcinogens. 
  First, records are erased and then the truth. How many products with carcinogens avoided detection because of the governments eliminating the work? 
    Was there a substance that caused viruses to mutate? Could a substance created by scientists be causing mutations like COVID-19? 
    With so many mutations happening at the same time, the natural course of events that leads to mutations in viruses like Corona virus, doesn't seem to be what is really causing the mutations.
    The mutation I witnessed in the Lab in Princeton in 1994, happened quickly, not over decades of time. 
    As a scientist, I believe the government is not telling us the whole truth about what is happening with the Corona virus mutations.



Thursday, March 26, 2020

Can Corona Virus RNA Deposits Be Affected By Environmental Factors?

   As the Corona virus dumps its RNA into a cell's cytoplasm - afterwards the RNA assists in the replication of the virus. Here's a video:
    The replication cycle of the virus is the same general process, but there are random actions within the overall process. Patients suffer similar symptoms from the virus infecting the lungs.
    The question I wanted an answer to, with respect to this process, was : "Can microwaves cause changes during the process, specifically to RNA, and with changes, cause COVID-19 from the non mutated Corona virus? " Or can microwaves somehow cause mutations in Corona virus resulting in the mutated COVID-19?
    With environmental factors in mind that I believed could be causing mutations resulting in the COVID-19 virus, I narrowed down the possibilities. I related the increase of discovered mutations in viruses to an increase in the use of microwave technologies. The saturation of microwaves in the environment had increased dramatically with the use of cell phones and other devices.
    I knew that random events happened with the RNA within the cell during the replications. not all changes are the same in the process. Not all replications are successful. I knew that some type of stimulation may result in altering outcomes.
     I also knew that crystalline virus could alter outcomes.
     In the end I concluded that it was possible for mutations to be happening from environmental factors or a combination of environmental factors and possibly contamination from crystalline virus elements.
    If Corona virus was infected with crystalline virus and the crystalline virus was affected by microwaves, as a common denominator, I thought it could cause the COVID-19 mutation.
    I never believed the theory of transference of mutated virus from animal to animal to human back to animal to animal and finally back to human and then into the environment all over the world at the same time, now infecting the planet.
    I believe the Corona virus was affected during the RNA deposit into the cell. Microwaves could be responsible for a change that resulted in mutation. I still believe crystalline virus could also be a factor in changes that caused mutations.

   Do not trust outcomes or reports on outcomes in experiments with viras mutations or manipulations if  Universal Math is used in any type of calculations. In some cases a color code type math code may be a propagated form of math called a usable universal math, but in reality it's not a math at all, just an inventory system. If you know of such activities report the research to your office or the authorities.
    Knowing the actual source of the COVID-19 mutation would greatly help on discovering a possible universal treatment for patients.



Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Softballs Get Mutated- Links- Items to View- Pics-

Don Robbins Shop
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Artworks and designs by Don Robbins.
Don Robbins Shop at FINEARTAMERICA!
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More items to look for.

Pillow comes in several sizes. Make a great gift and memories. Picture is not link, Use link to shop.

Another throw pillow.

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RNA Variables - Corona Mutations- Cause and Effect- (Spontaneity) Softball Mutation pic-

  In the circumstance of RNA transference within the cell from Corona virus, with respect to variables, is it possible to get the same outcome at the same time, worldwide, with  mutation? 
   Did Corona virus C)VID-19 (COVID-19) come from this effect concerning animal to human and back again, and then come into play in infecting people worldwide at the same time and with another mutation occurring at the same time? Answer: Probably not.
    Cause and effect would point to something spontaneous, not something that goes through several stages in development over a substantial period of time. (years or more). 
    What could cause a mutation in a virus in a short period of time in a large area. -  Nearly the whole world?  My guess would be Crystalline virus contaminating the Corona virus. 
     At some point an occurrence took place that effected the Crystalline virus and in turn caused the mutation in the Corona virus, producing COVID-19 as a result. But also changing another strain of the same virus at the same time. 
     ) + Protein = Variance. Where  )  is half RNA from virus. 

    After listening to several lectures on Corona virus I still believe that Crystalline virus affecting the Corona virus is the source of the mutations. Microwaves could be something that caused the activity in Crystalline virus that resulted in changing the Corona viruses. Or creating simultaneous mutations.
  Simultaneous mutations with respect to RNA transference in animal cells to human cells over a long period of time causing a outcome, near the same time period, is not likely. If not statistically impossible.
    I'll stick to my theory of Crystalline virus causing changes to Corona virus in the environment. Something caused activity to occur in the Crystalline virus that in turn affected the Corona virus and possibly other viruses. Simultaneous  mutation occurred. 
    Are there more mutations out there?

     Article written by Don Robbins -

Note: EMF change could have been a factor in affecting the Crystalline virus. 

                                       (Softball affected by Corina RNA)


Friday, March 20, 2020

What I Believe To Be The Source Of Corona Virus Mutations (no ads)

 Now, as I was shopping earlier today at Walmart, I noticed that I was the only person wearing a dust mask, or particle mask. The food was in short supply in some areas, like chicken and bread. Signs were posted in some places asking people to limit their choices to one item. The bread isle was about half empty. I'm glad I got tortillas instead. There was plenty of them. The sugar was nearly gone. But I got everything else I needed. Instead of chicken I got turkey. It looks like pink stuff but it's really good! I put meltin' cheese in it and it was great with the tortillas.
   Life should be so easy. Just replace the hamburger with ground turkey! 
    Top secret stuff!

    I can't do any research without my credentials. So I'm just theorizing about what is causing the Corona virus mutations. My first guess was microwave pollution. But later I was reading about crystalline virus experiments where the crystalline virus was used to actually cause mutations in other viruses. That led me to believe that a fake universal math was used to gain permission to do dangerous and unpredictable experiments. 
    You might ask why someone would do experiments like that. The reason is that studying certain mutations can lead to advancements in some areas that can become very valuable. such as information on developments in new medicines that could be worth a lot of money. The math part comes in where they try to predict outcomes by giving values to things and then guessing what will happen according to the values. Sort of like formulas. If the waste of the experiments was dumped into the environment, like crystalline virus, or things contaminated with crystalline virus that were used in experiments, the crystalline viruses could expand in the enviroment and pollute areas to the point of causing hazards. One hazard would be a natural mutating effect from crystalline virus on other viruses, such as Corona virus. 
   Knowing that experiments were done and realizing that the math that was used was probably propagated as universal math when it wasn't, led me to believe that crystalline virus is in the environment and is causing mutations. 
    Crystalline virus riders on Carona virus could cause mutations naturally in the environment. But microwaves could be the catalyst that activates the crystalline virus and results in causing changes in viruses and possibly other things that became resistant to anti bodies. See?
   Microwaves can cause mutations. But crystalline virus attached to or inside of the virus that gets into your body could cause mutating virus. At the same time, while the crystalline virus is causing changes to a virus, in the process, a TOXIN can alsi be produced.
    I thought it was possible that crystalline virus was causing mutations, possibly with the help of microwaves and toxins was a by product of cellular mutations. a little known fact and rare but still possible.
   There are plenty of young scientists that can make the determination on the causes of the mutations. I know that there is a direct relationship with the increase in the number of mutations and resistance in anti bodies and the increased use of microwaves. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a relationship between mutations and microwaves. But after reading about experiments in crystalline virus I believe that microwaves and crystalline virus in thre environment may be the problem with increased mutations in viruses. 
    If my work that was taken  by the CIA was used to create a fake math in order to do experiments with permission by governments, I think that is the reason I never got the work back. 
    Cover blocks on my blog have also been noted. And layers of blanks where sentences should be. 
    Covering my work and using it to propagate capabilities in a laboratory in order to make money. That could be the source of the problem. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Observation on Corona Virus - by NewC Articles

   ...and other things. I'm writing in bold large print so people can see the print easier. Any donations to show appreciation for the blog is greatly appreciated, you can donate as little as 1 dollar through PayPal. If you don't have an account just sign up'm when you donate. Thank you. Or buy a piece of art from me at FINEARTAMERICA.  Here's a picture of the page where the link goes to. 
Type Don Robbins in search to shop for my artworks.
    Now, as I was shopping earlier today at Walmart, I noticed that I was the only person wearing a dust mask, or particle mask. The food was in short supply in some areas, like chicken and bread. Signs were posted in some places asking people to limit their choices to one item. The bread isle was about half empty. I'm glad I got tortillas instead. There was plenty of them. The sugar was nearly gone. But I got everything else I needed. Instead of chicken I got turkey. It looks like pink stuff but it's really good! I put meltin' cheese in it and it was great with the tortillas.
   Life should be so easy. Just replace the hamburger with ground turkey! 
    Top secret stuff!

    I can't do any research without my credentials. So I'm just theorizing about what is causing the Corona virus mutations. My first guess was microwave pollution. But later I was reading about crystalline virus experiments where the crystalline virus was used to actually cause mutations in other viruses. That led me to believe that a fake universal math was used to gain permission to do dangerous and unpredictable experiments. 
    You might ask why someone would do experiments like that. The reason is that studying certain mutations can lead to advancements in some areas that can become very valuable. such as information on developments in new medicines that could be worth a lot of money. The math part comes in where they try to predict outcomes by giving values to things and then guessing what will happen according to the values. Sort of like formulas. If the waste of the experiments was dumped into the environment, like crystalline virus, or things contaminated with crystalline virus that were used in experiments, the crystalline viruses could expand in the enviroment and pollute areas to the point of causing hazards. One hazard would be a natural mutating effect from crystalline virus on other viruses, such as Corona virus. 
   Knowing that experiments were done and realizing that the math that was used was probably propagated as universal math when it wasn't, led me to believe that crystalline virus is in the environment and is causing mutations. 
    Crystalline virus riders on Carona virus could cause mutations naturally in the environment. But microwaves could be the catalyst that activates the crystalline virus and results in causing changes in viruses and possibly other things that became resistant to anti bodies. See?
   Microwaves can cause mutations. But crystalline virus attached to or inside of the virus that gets into your body could cause mutating virus. At the same time, while the crystalline virus is causing changes to a virus, in the process, a TOXIN can alsi be produced.
    I thought it was possible that crystalline virus was causing mutations, possibly with the help of microwaves and toxins was a by product of cellular mutations. a little known fact and rare but still possible.
   There are plenty of young scientists that can make the determination on the causes of the mutations. I know that there is a direct relationship with the increase in the number of mutations and resistance in anti bodies and the increased use of microwaves. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a relationship between mutations and microwaves. But after reading about experiments in crystalline virus I believe that microwaves and crystalline virus in thre environment may be the problem with increased mutations in viruses. 
    If my work that was taken  by the CIA was used to create a fake math in order to do experiments with permission by governments, I think that is the reason I never got the work back. 
    Cover blocks on my blog have also been noted. And layers of blanks where sentences should be. 
    Covering my work and using it to propagate capabilities in a laboratory in order to make money. That could be the source of the problem. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Link To Shop "2020 Cowboy Hat On Kansas Sky" HD pic-

Don Robbins shop fineartamerica-   ←←(GET DETAILS) 

Use link above to shop all art or use this link to shop for "2020 Face Cowboy Hat Kansas Sky"

Photography Prints

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Consider Matching Shower Curtains- Bed Spreads- Pillows- See Example/Buy on blog!

Buy On This Blog Post
(see below use cart to purchase direct)
Orange shower curtain for sale at Fineartamerica- $70.00 Comes in Red-Purple-Green- same price. 
Art by Don Robbins 

Abstract colors design. 

Shower curtains -

Matching bed spreads. 

      Matching pillows also. 
Pillows come with insert or without. 19.50 without insert. $24.50 with.
Large size is $51.00 with insert. 26x26 inches. (without insert $39.00.

Shower curtain- Bed Spread- Pillow- matching pieces!
Great deal for Hotels- Apartments- New Homes-
Affordable. Buy now!
Other designs to choose from. 

Shop Don Robbins at Fineartamerica online art store.

Shop Don Robbins at Fineartamerica online art store. "Frankenstein Frankenstein"  
Visit my site at Fineartamerica and shop for Frankenstein Frankenstein items and wall art. Canvas on raised frame. Poster with art paper. Metal prints. Wood prints! Small to large sizes. Ships in two business days.  Makes a great backdrop with tapestry. Greeting cards with available messages. See all items - use this link to shop direct to my site

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Saturday, March 7, 2020

I believe microwaves are causing mutations in viruses. New Math Crystalline Virus Manipulations

     I believe that Corona virus can be affected by microwaves causing mutations. Microwave radiation can cause mutations in viruses.

    I think there is a strong possibility that microwaves are causing the Corona virus to mutate.

   After more contemplation I reasoned that Corona virus is most likely mutating inside the human body after the Corona virus infects the person in normal ways. I don't believe that the virus is widespread in the environment. Microwaves can cause the virus to mutate. Mutations can occur within the body if the person is exposed to microwaves. Cell phone towers, cell phones, transmitters, can be causing the mutations.

  Looking at it from a common denominator standpoint. Let's say, for example, that radiation leaks are the cause of the mutations. It would be easy to check the air for radioactive emissions in many countries, but there is no widespread radiation leaks.

   A simple answer to finding a possible cause with respect to a common denominator would be to note a common source of something that can cause mutations and is present in so many areas at the same time. Microwaves fit the bill. It is also known that more mutations have occurred as more microwaves  were found in the environment. There is a relationship with the increase of the use of microwaves and mutations in viruses. The new information on two Corona virus mutations shows that something is probably causing the mutations in Corona virus strains.

   Normally, mutations are rare but having two mutations in the same type of virus at the same time might be a first. While I was working in a laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1993, I discovered a mutating virus while working on the discovery of Growth Inhibitors. Growth Inhibitors has to do with  cancer.  The chance discovery of the mutating virus led me to study more about viruses and mutations. I knew that it's a rare thing. But I also knew that there was an increase after that time period of mutations. There was also a steady increase on resistance to normal medications by more and more viruses. A resistance to antibiotics also increased. The old standby theory that over medicating patients was the main cause of resistance wasn't proving to be true. But yet, there was still a rise in resistance. Could there be another reason for the increased resistance to viricides and antibiotics?  Could the answer be microwaves affecting viruses and causing mutations? I think it could.

   Seeing the relationship between the rise in microwaves and the rise in mutations in viruses and knowing that microwave radiation can cause mutations I think that is reason enough to conduct experiments to check if the cause of the mutations in Corona virus is caused by microwaves.

   If microwaves cause mutations in viruses such as the Corona viruses, microwaves can cause mutations in other viruses, and as far as I'm concerned, probably already has.


 Note: I strongly believed that my work in inventory of numbers, especially in number line theories, that led to the invention of the inventory system known as Color Codes that was considered for use in the military in 1977, and was afterward classified by the C.I.A., was propagated as a         new math and then used to gain permission by researchers to use crystalline virus in producing mutations in other viruses. 

   I believe that crystalline virus was used in experiments, legally, and in some cases illegally.  Virus mutations are valuable in research that leads to the development of new medicines that are used to treat resistant strains of viruses. The two Corona viruses would be a good example of the one virus mutating and becoming resistant to treatment and thus creating the necessity to produce other, more effective medicines to help control the mutated version of the virus. Or in this case mutated versions. (Two separate strains.)
   If you are a research scientist and you were wandering what the propagated (fake) new math was used for in the experiments, it was used to predict outcomes in experiments. The permission to do such research would not be given without the claim that outcomes in the experiments were known before experiments were conducted. In the case of using math values placed on predicted outcomes the outcomes could not be known if the math used was not real.