As the Corona virus dumps its RNA into a cell's cytoplasm - afterwards the RNA assists in the replication of the virus. Here's a video:
The replication cycle of the virus is the same general process, but there are random actions within the overall process. Patients suffer similar symptoms from the virus infecting the lungs.
The question I wanted an answer to, with respect to this process, was : "Can microwaves cause changes during the process, specifically to RNA, and with changes, cause COVID-19 from the non mutated Corona virus? " Or can microwaves somehow cause mutations in Corona virus resulting in the mutated COVID-19?
With environmental factors in mind that I believed could be causing mutations resulting in the COVID-19 virus, I narrowed down the possibilities. I related the increase of discovered mutations in viruses to an increase in the use of microwave technologies. The saturation of microwaves in the environment had increased dramatically with the use of cell phones and other devices.
I knew that random events happened with the RNA within the cell during the replications. not all changes are the same in the process. Not all replications are successful. I knew that some type of stimulation may result in altering outcomes.
I also knew that crystalline virus could alter outcomes.
In the end I concluded that it was possible for mutations to be happening from environmental factors or a combination of environmental factors and possibly contamination from crystalline virus elements.
If Corona virus was infected with crystalline virus and the crystalline virus was affected by microwaves, as a common denominator, I thought it could cause the COVID-19 mutation.
I never believed the theory of transference of mutated virus from animal to animal to human back to animal to animal and finally back to human and then into the environment all over the world at the same time, now infecting the planet.
I believe the Corona virus was affected during the RNA deposit into the cell. Microwaves could be responsible for a change that resulted in mutation. I still believe crystalline virus could also be a factor in changes that caused mutations.
Do not trust outcomes or reports on outcomes in experiments with viras mutations or manipulations if Universal Math is used in any type of calculations. In some cases a color code type math code may be a propagated form of math called a usable universal math, but in reality it's not a math at all, just an inventory system. If you know of such activities report the research to your office or the authorities.
Knowing the actual source of the COVID-19 mutation would greatly help on discovering a possible universal treatment for patients.
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