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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Two Second Mutation Of Virus In Laboratory In 1994- Is It the Source Of COVID-19?

  As the hunt for point origin continues in the Corona virus ordeal, I had an idea that the theory of the mutation of the original strain, into the COVID-19 variety, from animal to human transmutations, was probably not correct. I have already written about that.

  In 1994 I discovered a virus while I was working on submitting a work, to the government validation process, called GROWTH INHIBITORS.  There is a funny thing about that virus that came up missing with the work and information and all records on GROWTH INHIBITORS.   The change from one virus into a completely different virus, or a very different variation took TWO SECONDS.

  You might want to read this and share it before I continue. I'm saying that I believe there was something that caused the virus to mutate in two seconds while I was watching it. The mutation of the virus and subsequent mutations after the work was taken by the United States Government validation facility and reported as a discovery and later,  was allowed to be studied. Except it apparently came up missing before anyone, including me, was allowed to see it. The work that I had submitted I called Growth Inhibitors also disappeared from the records and any office in the government. 

   Twenty years later, in 2003, a group of scientists came to America from China with American  research scientists partners and claimed the discovery of Growth Inhibitors. An article was written about the work in Readers Digest. 
   One of the key factors in the article was a theory by one of the scientists, that they believed proteins may have been responsible for the transference of the Growth Inhibitors into the cell that was identified as damaged or foreign. . (Like a virus with protein spikes.) 
  Growth inhibitors naturally eliminate the cells that didn't belong but proteins carriers were eliminated as a carrier into the cell, before the work was submitted and validated as a discovery. 

    Were the scientists who were claiming to know how Growth Inhibitors worked, saying that they believed a virus injected the Growth Inhibitor into the cell by a protein spoke? Like COVID-19?
    Did something make the Corona virus mutate - thus creating  COVID-19 virus from a mutation? Instead of Animal to animal to human to animal to animal to human transference from mutating RNA? 
    Did Corona virus mutate from something that caused the mutation in a short period of time, into COVID-19? Or did the changes happen over a ling period of time, like years or decades?
    Did the mutating virus taken from the lab in Princeton in 1994 have the cause of the mutation inside of it? Did the same thing that caused the instant mutation in the lab, while I watched it happen, cause Corona virus to mutate on a massive scale?

    Did the mutating virus contaminate New York and China from the virus taken from the laboratory in Princeton New Jersey in 1994? Did what caused the virus to mutate in Princeton in 1994 spread through China and when the right factors were present, cause the Corona Virus to mutate into COVID-19.

    It's looking more and more like that is what happened. 

    Were the scientists who had Growth Inhibitors looking at a Corona virus protein spike? Check article on Growth Inhibitors from 2003-2004. (Cancer research.) Readers Digest article.

    Did both governments cover up the missing Growth Inhibitors and the Mutating virus? I believe they did.

    Would the fact of a virus mutating into another type of A virus, in two seconds,  with a different appearance and different but somewhat similar characteristics, change theories concerning evolution? Is that one of the reasons it was taken and hidden away?

   And it spread...… And spread...… And spread. Until it mated with Corona virus in the environment and caused the mutation that we know as COVID-19. 

     With the facts to be considered, it seems that is what happened. 
   Records were covered on the mutating virus discovered in 1994 in a laboratory in Princeton New Jersey, while I was submitting Growth Inhibitors (a discovery in Cancer research) to the validation (DNA) facility. Records of Growth Inhibitors and the mutating virus are missing. Growth Inhibitors were capable of checking products for carcinogens in one day. 
    I always believed the works were covered up and records were erased because of the ability of Growth Inhibitors to check for carcinogens. 
  First, records are erased and then the truth. How many products with carcinogens avoided detection because of the governments eliminating the work? 
    Was there a substance that caused viruses to mutate? Could a substance created by scientists be causing mutations like COVID-19? 
    With so many mutations happening at the same time, the natural course of events that leads to mutations in viruses like Corona virus, doesn't seem to be what is really causing the mutations.
    The mutation I witnessed in the Lab in Princeton in 1994, happened quickly, not over decades of time. 
    As a scientist, I believe the government is not telling us the whole truth about what is happening with the Corona virus mutations.



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